Designer/Illustrator: Christopher Gray

Select posters by Christopher Gray.  I love the way geometry is used in his work.  So simple and precise.

Christopher is currently on a personal challenge to get 100 posters done by the middle of the year all of which will be for sale.  Keep up with him on his blog here and see more from his portfolio here.

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Cecelia Webber Photography

Gorgeous digital photography from Cecelia Webber.  Inspired by nature in its purest form, these pieces were created solely on images of the naked human body.

Some of these are available in limited edition prints on her website here.

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Friday Music Inspiration: Fonzworth Bentley – C.O.L.O.U.R.S. Mixtape

You may remember Fonzworth Bentley from his past role as Diddy’s former personal valet and assistant, as first seen in MTV’s Making the Band 2, but he’s come a long way from that and has expanded his resume to rapper, musician and author (he released a book titled Advance Your Swagger: How to Use Manners, Confidence and Style to Get Ahead). His latest project is a mixtape titled C.O.L.O.U.R.S.  (Cool Outrageous Lovers of Uniquely Raw Style).

I was really skeptical when I first heard of this album, but after just a few tracks I was impressed with the effort.  It’s 60 minutes of dopeness.  The beats are on point and there are some tracks that would make you get low on the dance floor.   Also, with collaborations with some of my favorite artists such as Kanye West, Andre 3000 and Lil Wayne, it’s sure to be part of my summer playlist.

Check the link here to stream the entire thing.  Have a great weekend!

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Karl Lagerfield for Light Coca Cola

French designer Karl Lagerfield and Coca-Cola have teamed up to create a another limited edition package for the Light line.  The design mixes the lightness in Lagerfield’s work with bold and modern identity of the Coca-Cola brand.

I like the striped pink bottle.  Would love a skirt or dress that looked like that.  Packages will be available on Colette on May 9th.  Check out the first collaboration here.

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Digital Paintings from FIELD

Digital paintings by London graphic design studio FIELD.  These are from a series of 10,000 unique images for a paper manufacturer they worked with on the project.  More on the process here.

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Friday Music Inspiration: Menino Boombox Set

This boombox set from Menino is super cute.  Check out that tape deck in the front.  Reminds me of the days when I used to record songs playing on the radio.  Wow I’m definitely showing my age right now.  :)

The set is available on the Menino site here for only $84.99.    A steal for such a nifty idea!

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Designer: Alonzo Felix

Loving the curves on these designs by Alonzo Felix.  My favorite is “Sweat the Small Stuff” piece because it speaks to paying attention and working out the small details in life.

More from the studio here.

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Illustrator: David Schwen

These are a few of the Type Sandwich series by David Schwen.  Great concept.  The colors used also add a lot of character to these pieces.  Prints of these are available for sale here.

More of David’s work can be seen here.

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Graphic Designer/Illustrator: Ed Nacional

Brilliant works by Brooklyn based designer/illustrator Ed Nacional.  The last piece above was done for a New York Times Opinion Pages articles on why Americans can’t save money.  So witty.

Check out the rest of Ed’s portfolio here.

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Video: How to Deal When Client Don’t Pay

This is a fantastic video that speaks to how to ensure payment from your clients. It particularly references designers, but is a great resource for anyone in or looking to get into an entrepreneurial field. It’s about 39 minutes long, but totally worth it. Enjoy!

Cubicles Are Inhumane via Marcus Troy

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