![The 50](http://theaudacityofcolor.com/core/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/50things.jpg)
I’ve been reading a lot of design advice these days and one of the things I like to look back on is #The50 Things Every Creative Should Know by Jamie Wieck. This list was developed last year to address the most common concerns held by graduating creatives and aimed to bridge the gap between art college and the professional world. While written for design students, a lot of the advice is relevant across industries.
Here are a few of my favorite items.
2)There is always someone better.
Being aware of what’s out there is great. It keeps you motivated to keep growing, but when it gets to a point where it’s detrimental to you and you’re overly critical of yourself you need to let this go. Just focus on perfecting your craft. The rest will fall into place.
4) You cannot score without a goal.
If you don’t know where you’re going then how will you ever get there? Have a plan. Writing it down and reviewing it often helps a great deal. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin
7) Have a positive self-image.
You are awesome and if you don’t believe this then how will anyone else? Confidence in yourself and your work is key.
22) Seek criticism, not praise.
Hearing how great you are is always nice, but another viewpoint on how your work could be stronger is always helpful. Show your work to anyone who will look at it and hear what they have to say. I often show my work to designers and non-designers alike. I don’t always take all the advice that comes in, but I love to hear how the designs are perceived. Remember you’re creating your work so that it’s shared and enjoyed be others. Why not ask for feedback?
26) Network
Networking is so key and social media makes it easier than ever to connect with like-minded individuals. I can’t tell you how many lovely people I’ve had a chance to encounter since starting this blog. Also Twitter and Instagram are also great resources when used accordingly.
50) Don’t take yourself too seriously.
While it’s important to take your work seriously, you need to make sure you lighten up and enjoy the process of creating it. Also, being well-balanced and taking down time to have a little fun has a huge impact on your work. This is something that I’m trying to really embrace these days. The spring weather and weekly bike rides with friends have helped me a lot. ![:)](https://theaudacityofcolor.com/core/wp-includes/images/smilies/simple-smile.png)
Hope you found this useful. Check out the entire list here.