Introducing – The Audacity of Color

Hi all –

Thanks so much for visiting the site.

I started this blog to share what inspires me and that’s finding beauty in all the color that surrounds us.  This ranges from interior design to fashion, art, nature and more.  Along with this, I’ve set up a Tumblr that features creative images and videos  I’ve gathered from multiple sources.  The Audacity of Color site will feature fresh content and will be updated a few of times a week.

Special thanks to Anika George, Jessica Jones, Linda Rislin, Kat Noel, Shawn Lee, Allan Cole and countless others (I have to cut the list off because it would start to look ridiculous) for your support in helping me put this together.

Please be sure to mark this page as a favorite, add me to your Google Reader, tie a piece of thread around your finger or do whatever it is that will allow you to remember to come check me out.  :)



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